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Sigma Nutrition Radio

Jul 30, 2024

Regression to the Mean (RTM) is a statistical phenomenon where extreme values on one measurement tend to move closer to the average on subsequent measurements due to natural variability. In this Premium-exclulsive episode, Danny gives an explanation of this concept with some examples in nutrition research.

Jul 23, 2024

The concept of “learning how to learn” focuses on meta-learning, which involves improving one’s own learning strategies. Instead of just absorbing information, meta-learners refine the skills that make learning itself more effective.

Cognitive science supports various learning strategies by exploring how the...

Jul 16, 2024

In episode 529 of Sigma Nutrition Radio, we discuss all things related to cholesterol, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and dietary fat. The discussion extensively covers the impact of LDL cholesterol and ApoB on atherosclerotic plaque progression, cardiovascular events, and the benefits of early LDL...

Jul 9, 2024

The consumption of red meat, specifically the distinction between unprocessed and processed varieties, has been a subject of considerable debate in nutritional science and public health. There is a fair amount of confusion and lack of clarity surrounding this issue.

While the harmful effects of processed meat are...