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Sigma Nutrition Radio

Jan 23, 2024

Questions Answered in This Epsiode:

  1. [02:16] How would you implement a calorie surplus for “bulking” in healthy trainees without compromising their health markers?
  2. [15:25] If you were to advise someone with a heavy workload and busy schedule on how to establish the 80/20 of a healthy lifestyle, what would you tell them?
  3. [24:36] Is coconut oil good or bad? What about claims that it cures cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc.?
  4. [33:25] In the circumstance in which an individual has a normal ApoB yet an elevated LDL particle number, which value is more representative of risk?
  5. [41:39] Should you supplement in order to reach 100% of RDA for micronutrients?
  6. [46:35] Are raw oats a good ingredient to add to smoothies? Do they need to be cooked?
  7. [51:58] Is there any research supporting whether or not diet really impacts oral thrush?
  8. [55:21] Is there any benefit to supplemental collagen?

Note: This is a Premium-exclusive “ask me anything” episode. You can access the full episode as a Premium subscriber. Join here.