Professor Jason Gill is a Professor of Cardiometabolic
Health in the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences at
the University of Glasgow. He leads an active multi-disciplinary
research group investigating the effects of exercise and diet on
the prevention and management of vascular and metabolic diseases
from the molecular to the whole-body level.
He is a past Chair of the British
Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Division of
Physical Activity for Health and a member of the development groups
for the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
guidelines for the prevention and treatment of obesity and for
prevention of cardiovascular disease.
In this episode we discuss:
Strength and chronic disease risk
Discrepancy between self-report and objective
measurements of physical activity
Regression dilution bias: If you measure something
poorly you diminish the apparent association with the
EuroFIT randomized controlled trial
amount of exercise needed to get to a point of low absolute risk of
cardiometabolic disease is more for high-risk populations vs.
low-risk populations
if you have a higher genetic risk for obesity, then lifestyle
matters more, not less
Should there be differential guidelines for activity
based on race/ethnicity?
Interaction between degree of social deprivation,
lifestyle and health outcomes
reducing sitting time may not be a useful target